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Child Support

Child Support in Massachusetts

Massachusetts Child Support In Divorce And Paternity Cases


Child support ends upon the emancipation of a child, which in Massachusetts may occur as late as age 23.


Most child support issues are resolved by the application of the Massachusetts Child Support Guidelines, which determine a weekly child support under a formula established under the state child support guidelines.


The amount of support is calculated on 5 main issues:

  1. Both incomes

  2. Which parent pays for medical insurance for the children

  3. The number of children

  4. Whether the parent who pays support has any previous child support obligations

  5. The cost of child care


In many cases, however, an upward or downward variance may be reasonable based on such factors as short-term involuntary unemployment, underemployment, a child’s special needs, substantial unearned assets available for the support of the children, or disputes as to the actual income of a self-employed noncustodial parent. 


A Change In Circumstances And Modifications Of Child Support

Regardless of whether you are the custodial or noncustodial parent, illness or the loss of employment can impact your material circumstances. Custodial parents who suffer illness or job loss may need to ask for a temporary increase in child support to help make ends meet. Alternatively, noncustodial paying parents may need to temporarily reduce child support when sickness or unemployment affects their ability to comply with the amount of support ordered by the court. As your attorney, Annette L. Baker prepares all necessary medical, work and financial information needed to file a child support modification petition with the court.


Child Support In Arrears And Enforcement Issues

Child support is a court order. When it is not paid, the parent ordered to pay child support is subject to wage garnishment, having his or her driver’s license suspended, being sentenced to jail, or having certain assets seized in extreme cases. As your attorney, Annette Baker works with forensic accountants and investigators, when necessary, to track down hidden assets and hold delinquent paying spouses accountable before the law.


At the Law Office of Anette Baker, we assist clients in matters related to child support, enforcement, and post-divorce modifications. Regardless of whether you are seeking child support in arrears or need a post-divorce modification regarding child support, contact divorce attorney Annette Baker today to schedule an appointment and discuss your case.

Minimalist Staircase

Contact Info

Law Office of Annette Baker

Swampscott, MA 01907

(978) 922-2888

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