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​Work With A Divorce Lawyer Who’s In It For You

I am family law attorney Annette Baker. When you work with me, your needs come first, period. In the more than 20 years I have been litigating high conflict divoces, When I represent you, I represent the whole of you- not just the part that’s going through a divorce, but also the part of you that is a parent, the part of you that needs to get through this intact.


When we work together, we will identify your objectives, discuss your concerns, and clarify your rights and responsibilities. Because I helped edit the Massachusetts Practice (3d ed.) volumes on family law (by Charles Kindregan and Monroe Inker) used by lawyers throughout the Commonwealth, I have a detailed knowledge of the legal possibilities and limitations. This helps me guide you to a realistic resolution. Whenever feasible, I work to mediate a divorce and negotiate a settlement. This is not always possible.  As a fully virtual law office, I no longer litigate, so if your case requires the filing of an entry of Appearance, or any court involvement, I will identify that early on, and refer to to a trusted colleague who can better serve as litigation counsel.  .   a 


As the founder and principal of the Law Office of Annette Baker, I offer compassionate, practical, flexible, and highly knowledgeable legal counsel on Massachusetts. Please call me at 978-922-2888 or email me about what you need.


Ensuring That You Get The Advocacy You Need


Once we establish what you need, we can move forward. As your advocate, I work to protect your personal property, divide marital assets equitably, ensure that alimony and child support payments are reasonable and that any child custody issues are satisfactorily resolved. After over a decade of working with divorcing couples in the Boston area I know that more often than not a divorce can be handled out of court. Mediation has advantages and is frequently a good option for couples who agree to the big things. Whenever possible, I work to settle through negotiation. Of course, there are instances when mediation is not an option and going to court is actually in your best interest. We can discuss your goals and what you need in a no-obligation meeting. There I can lay out your options and next steps.


Get Knowledge And Experience In Key Divorce Issues

I take a whole-person and holistic approach to divorce. This does not mean I am “soft” on hard issues. It means that my focus is on ensuring YOU are taken care of, that your mind and spirit are not harmed by the process and that you have what you need to move forward. I can advise you and guide you on issues that involve:



Many of my clients come to me from a friend, coworker or even a former opponent’s referral. I believe the highest compliment I can receive on the quality of my service is a recommendation. If your original attorney failed to provide you with closely engaged service, or if they made erroneous assumptions that harmed your progress, please call and speak with me.


Work With A Lawyer Who Is In It For The Right Reason

I can help. Call me,  Annette Baker, your trusted attorney and counselor at law, at (978) 922-2888 or email me at the firm.

Learn How We Can Help You

Get in touch so we can start working together.

Thanks you for your inquiry! We will be in touch soon!

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