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You Can Find The Courage To Move Forward
How do you talk to yourself when going through a divorce? The way you structure the process in your mind, and the self-talk you use can determine not only your daily mood but, ultimately, the outcome of the process as well.
Everyone deserves happiness. You deserve happiness. You deserve to be able to move on to something better. But in order to “move on,” something must change — and it takes courage to embrace that.
Take The Hard First Step
Change requires a hard first step, a leap of faith. You must be willing to take some risks to move your life forward. It has been said that we need to “feel to heal.” It is essential to be honest about our feelings and have those feelings, wounds, and fears recognized.
Mediation allows both parties to communicate more openly. Many people through the mediation process report that they felt heard and valued. Mediation has advantages and is a safe place to let your guard down because you are supported.
Your Feelings Matter
“Vulnerable” is an emotionally charged word, and for many people, it conjures images of being easily hurt or harmed. However, being emotionally vulnerable in a mediation setting is different. Being vulnerable is necessary for change. A major life change such as divorce can be draining and leave you feeling “weak.” But it is in this time of “weakness” when we are actually strong. By tapping into our inner courage, we can choose to learn about ourselves and allow the process to change us for the better.
Reach Out When It’s Time To Move Forward
If you want to move forward and are ready to grow and change, contact family law attorney Annette Baker. I will work to ensure you have all of the support and resources you need to find the strength to move forward. Call me at the Law Office of Annette Baker today at (978) 922-2888.
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