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Seasoned Help With Modification And Contempt Issues
Long after your divorce or paternity matter has been resolved, you may find you need reliable advice about your rights to modify or enforce a family court order. Once I understand your unique circumstances, I will advise you on the possible legal outcomes.
I am Annette Baker, and as the founder and principal of the Law Office of Annette Baker, I help clients in custody, spousal support, child support, and visitation matters. Whether you just have questions and need the advice of a skilled professional or if you need immediate guidance and representation about your rights to modify or enforce a family court order or divorce decree, I can help. Call 978-922-2888 or fill out the quick contact form. I offer compassionate and holistic guidance that is resolution-centric.
Modification Of Child Support
Family court orders relating to custody, child support or visitation are inherently flexible, and either party can apply to the court for an order of modification based on a material change of circumstances. When conditions change I can advise you on the best steps for a modification.
The emancipation of a child, a change in a teenager’s primary residence, material changes of income for either parent, new medical or health care problems, or even the increasing expenses raising older children can support a modification of a child support order. I can assist you in identifying the likelihood that the change in circumstances in your situation will result in a favorable decision. I will then steadfastly work toward your goals.
Modification of Spousal Support
The standard the court will apply when deciding whether to modify an existing alimony award or award of post-divorce alimony will depend on the language in your original divorce decree. If you are seeking a modification or defending against an increase in your alimony obligation, call me, Annette Baker, for resourceful and experienced legal representation.
The Resolution You Need Is A Phone Call Away
Call (978) 922-2888 and speak with me, Annette Baker. Together we will resolve your issue.
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