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Self Care
How Self-Care Benefits The Whole Family
Airplane travel has made it clear that when facing a crisis, we must first put on our own air mask. We are not very useful to ourselves or others if we do not do this.
The same can be said of self-care during a divorce. Self-care has become a buzz word lately but there are real benefits to moving past the cliché and taking the steps you need to preserve your own well-being: emotionally and spiritually. Science has proven that while our brains are wired a certain way, they can also be rewired to think and behave in a positive, healthy way.
Nurturing Your Body And Spirit During Divorce
When something negative happens, you don’t have to react in a negative way. Facing big challenges and sadness can be a tremendous opportunity for growth as a human being. You don’t need to think less of yourself because you’re getting divorced. If your life is a story, this is simply the next chapter. The trick is not to get stuck in a negative loop.
Don’t beat yourself up, instead recognize and redirect negative self-talk. Above all, avoid the shame-and-blame cycle. Doing this stops progress. It holds both you and the process in the unchangeable past.
Instead, focus your intention, attention and energy on what you can change and what you do have control over: the right now, the present moment. Today and the days ahead. This shapes the future.
Self-care can mean that you go to church, meditate, join a support group or do yoga. There’s no one right answer, only the answer that works for you. Whatever path you choose, all that matters is that you give your attention to the health and well-being of your body, soul and spirit. This is perhaps even more important for parents with children who have demanding care concerns or special needs.
Take The First Step
If you want to move forward with your issue and are ready to be good to yourself, reach out to me. I am Annette Baker, the founder and principal of Baker Law. As an experienced family law attorney, I know the options available and can connect you to resources.
Call me at my Beverly Cummings Center office today at (978) 922-2888. You can also email me and I will respond within 24 hours, typically. For many couples who want to work together, mediation is the best option. Meditation and meeting sessions are also available via Skype. I am here to help. It is going to work out, and you are going to be okay.
Contact Info
Annette Baker Law
100 Cummings Center - Suite 207P
Beverly, MA 01915
(978) 922-2888